  Sunday, 08 September 2024 

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Instructions to Authors



Authors are requested to submit manuscripts electronically. We strongly suggest that authors carefully check the final version of their manuscripts for compliance with the format and style of the journal. In order to simplify journal production and minimize the number of errors, the final draft of the paper (once accepted by the Editorial Board) should be submitted as an electronic file created by a word processor. Likewise, authors are urged to send figures, photographs, graphs, and tables electronically, using programs that generate interchangeable formats (Corel Draw, Excel, Canvas, Freelance, etc.). Authors should indicate the program used to prepare text, figures, graphs, tables, etc. SAMPLE PAPER

Manuscripts must be written in English. The English language of manuscript must be edited by english editing translation services if the authors are not english native speakers. We strongly recommend the American Journal Expert (www.journalexperts.com). The certification must be attached.

Authors are requested to follow the instructions given below:

3.1. Typing
Manuscripts must be typed in Times New Roman, 12 cpi, with one and half spacing throughout (including footnotes, references, tables and legends) on paper not exceeding 30 cm in height, and a 2.5 cm wide margin on all four sides (left, right, top, bottom). One and a half spacing is equivalent to a maximum of 35 lines per page. All pages must be numbered in right bottom margin. The manuscript must be presented with numbered lines.

3.2. Size of manuscript
Manuscript should not exceed 30 typewritten pages, including figures and tables. Short communications and technical notes are limited to six type written pages including illustrations.
Only manuscripts not exceeding 30 printed pages are published free of charge. Authors will be charged US $ 30 for any additional printed page.
Manuscript should be presented in the following order: Title, name(s) of the author(s), complete address/affiliation and e-mail address of the corresponding author, Abstract, Keywords, Introduction, Materials and Methods, Results, Discussion, Conclusions, Acknowledgements and References.

3.3 Manuscript layout
The first page of manuscript should contain the following items in the sequence given below:

  • Title in English of up to 12 words (Times New Roman 16 cpi, bold, capital letters). Spanish or Portuguese typed manuscript must also include an English translated title (Times New Roman 12 cpi, bold, lower case letters).

  • First name (initials are also acceptable) and surnames of all authors in bold. E.g.: Carlos Ramírez or C. Ramírez

  • Affiliation(s) (not abbreviated) and postal address(es) of author(s), and the e-mail address of the corresponding author must be given.

  • Abstract should include the objectives, methods, results and conclusions. Its length should not exceed 200 words.

  • Up to six keywords. Wherever possible, use terms from the Multilingual Thesaurus of Geosciences (Pergamon Press, 19)

3.4. Division of the text
Manuscripts should be divided into sections and subsections by headings and subheadings up to a maximum of three levels. To differentiate them, CAPITAL BOLD LETTERS should be used for the first order titles, bold lower case letters for the second order, and italic bold lower case letters for the third order. Titles of sections and subsections should begin at the left-hand margins, followed by the first paragraph with one blank space. From the second paragraph in each section, the line to start a new paragraph should be indented.
The names of plant and animal species should be given in italics; for example, Zea mays.

3.5 Quantities, units, abbreviations, nomenclature
Only SI quantities and units should be used (SI = Le Système International d'Unités). If data with non-SI units are reported, they should be put in parentheses behind the corresponding data with SI units. Symbols and abbreviations used to represent variables, constants, quantities, properties, etc. must be defined in the text at their first occurrence.

3.6 Tables
Every table must be referred to in the text. Tables are to be numbered with Arabic numerals in the sequence in which they appear. They should be typed on separate pages (one page per table) at the end of the manuscript. In the text, the position at which a table appears, should be marked by (Table ... ) in the middle of the page as an extra line. Every table must begin with a caption that starts with, for example, “Table 3…”. The caption must explain in detail the contents of the table. Tables must be presented in such a way that they can be read and understood without reference to the text. All manuscript typed in Portuguese or Spanish must include English legends of tables in separate lines.
The size of the tables should be such that they can be reproduced directly after reduction to a width of 85 mm. Tables of larger size (horizontally page) can be printed only in exceptional circumstances.
Every column and line in a table must be labeled explicitly and the appropriate units must be indicated. References to tables must be handled in the same way as those in the text. Footnotes for tables should be indicated by lower-case letters in parentheses and typed directly under the table.

3.7 Figures

3.7.1 General remarks
Every figure must be referred to in the text. Figures will be printed in black and white. If special circumstances demand the use of color, the associated costs must be covered by the authors.
The size of figures must not exceed the size of the manuscript page. Figures should be typed on separate pages (one page per figure) at the end of the manuscript. All figures should be numbered with Arabic numerals, and in the sequence in which they are cited in the text. The position at which a figure appears in the text must be marked by (Figure ... ) as an extra line.
Every figure must be accompanied by a legend which immediately follows the figure number: “Figure 5…”. Figure legends must contain sufficient explanatory details for their comprehension without reference to the text. All manuscript typed in Portuguese or Spanish must include English legends of figures in separate lines. Captions of figures should be written on a separate sheet. In the final impression caption will be placed below the corresponding figures.
Particular care should be taken to make sure that the data shown in figures are explicitly labeled with regard to the units used, and that the accompanying legends provide adequate information about the conditions under which the data were obtained.
The quality of the figures must be such that they can be reproduced directly after reduction to a width of 85 mm. Figures of larger size can be printed only in exceptional cases. Numbers, letters, and symbols in the figures must be large enough to be still 1.5 mm high after reduction to the printed format.

3.7.2 Format
Regardless of the application use, when your electronic artwork is finalized, please “save as” or convert the images to one of the following formats (note the minimum resolution requirements). Figures must be saved in separated sheets in the following format: JPG of 300 dpi or TIFF of 300 dpi. Do not supply files that are optimized for screen use (like GIF, BMP, PICT, WPG), the resolution is too low.
As this journal is printed in black and white, the use of color or gray tones should be avoided in figures. For bar graphics, please use different lines or fillings to differentiate them, and when presenting curves, please use well-differentiated lines. If letters or other markers/symbols are to be inscribed, it is advisable to use large-size letters. Always use uniform lettering and font size (Times New Roman 12 cpi, as in the entire text).

3.7.3 Diagrams
Diagrams must be submitted as original drawings of excellent quality. Photographs or photocopies of drawings are in general not suitable for reproduction. Special symbols used should be explained in the diagram itself rather than in the legend, as such symbols may not appear in, or be lost during typesetting.

3.7.4 Alftones (photographs, drawings, paintings with fine shading, etc.)
Halftones should have a minimum resolution of 300 dpi. For combination of artworks (e.g. halftones containing line drawing, extensive lettering, color diagrams, etc) a minimum resolution of 600 dpi should be used. TIFF, JPG, PDF, MS Office files (Word, PowerPoint, Excel) can be used in figures. Images should approximate the desired size of the printed version. Color reproductions are free of charge for online publication. The cost of incorporating color photographs or graphs in the printed version is payable by the author(s).

3.8 Structural diagrams and mathematical equations
Structural diagrams of molecules as well as mathematical equations should be drawn or written at the appropriate places in the manuscript in an extra line. Equations should be denoted by Arabic numerals (in parenthesis) toward the right-hand margin.

3.9 Acknowledgements
Acknowledgements of financial support, advice, and other kinds of assistance should be made at the end of the paper under the heading "Acknowledgements".

3.10. References
Citations in the main text should be given by the surname and year of publication. For example, McDonald (1962), Vera and Luzio (1987), Ellies et al. (1995; 1999) or: (McDonald, 1962; Vera and Luzio, 1987; Ellies et al., 1995; 1999).
The manuscript should be carefully checked to ensure that the spelling of authors' names and dates are exactly the same in the text as in the reference list.
References should be listed in alphabetical order, and collected in a separate sheet at the end of the text. The final reference list should show the name of the author(s) followed by the year of publication, full title of article or book, journal name, volume and page numbers, as indicated below.

3.10.1 Journal articles
Van Ranst, E., Utami, S. R., Vanderdeelen, J., Shamshuddin, J. 2004. Surface reactivity of Andisols on volcanic asho along the Sunda arc crossing Java Island, Indenosia. Geoderma. 123, 193-203.
Alfaro, M. A., Salazar, F. S., Oenema, O., Iraira, S., Teuber, N., Ramirez, L., Villarroel, D. 2009. Nutrients balances in beef cattle production systems and their implications for the environment. J. Soil Sci. Plant Nutr. 9, 40-54.

3.10.2 Unpublished work
Papers that are unpublished but have been accepted must be cited with the journal's name followed by (in press). In all other cases, reference must be made to (unpublished work) or (personal communication).

3.10.3 Books and monographs
Tertian, R., Claisse, F. 1982. Principles of Quantitative X-Ray Fluorescence Analysis. Heyden, London, 385 p.
Hartge, K. H., Stewart B. A. 1995. Soil Structure: Its Development and Function. Advances in Soil Science. CRC Lewis Publishers, Boca Ratón, FL, 424 p

3.10.4 Chapters in multi-author books
Wold, S., Sjöström, M. 1977. Chemometrics, Theory and Application. In: B. R. Kowalski (ed). ACS Symposium Series Nº 52. American Chemical Society, Washington, DC, pp: 243–282.
Oades, J., M. 1989. An introduction to organic matter in mineral soils. In: J. B. Dixon, S.B. Weed (eds). Minerals in Soil Environments, Second Edition. Soil Science Society of America, Madison, WI, pp: 89-159.

3.10.5 Theses
Hassink, J. 1995. Organic matter dynamics and N mineralization in grassland soils. Doctoral thesis, Wageningen University, The Netherlands, 250 p.

3.10.6 Patents
Miller, B.O. 1952. U.S. Patent 2542356, Dow Chemical Company; Chemical Abstracts 51 (1961) 2870.

The corresponding author will receive a proof to correct printer's errors. Changes cannot be made to the proof without the authorization of the editorial office of the journal.
Corrected proof should be returned within 5 days by e-mail. In case of failure to comply with this deadline, the Editor in-Chief will decide whether to publish the article without corrections (declining responsibility for errors, which may remain) or to be considered as new submission.

The corresponding author will be supplied with the final PDF file and the volume issue where the paper appears. The issue will be send by regular mail to the corresponding author.

Authors are requested to submit manuscripts electronically by our submission online system in the website http://www.jsspn.cl. Manuscripts submitted via e-mail will not be accepted.


All correspondence should be addressed to:
Dr. Alex Seguel F. 
Managing Editor
Scientific and Biotechnological Bioresource Nucleus - BIOREN-UFRO
Universidad de La Frontera
P.O. Box 54-D
E-mail: This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it  
Tel.: +56 45 732448

The Chilean Society of Soil Science, as joint publishers of the Journal, reserve all rights for the complete or partial reproduction of the materials published in Journal of Soil Science and Plant Nutrition. The right to reproduce material that is subject to copyright must be obtained from the authors, who should notify to the editorial office of Journal of Soil Science and Plant Nutrition.